Colonization Essay

Paige T.
World History
Colonization Essay
Negative Effects of European Colonization
European Colonization or Colonialism is when different countries from
Europe came to different parts of the world and took over. This happened in many different periods of time, from about the 1400s to the 1800s. The first period was 1400-1700. This was mainly caused by the Europeans wanting new resources from these different areas of the world. They established trade routes to gain these new products. The second part was in the 1800s, focused on the Europeans wanting more raw materials from these areas of the world. I think that European colonialism was more negative than positive. The Europeans took away and forced many things on different countries. They treated the people awfully in these countries. Continue reading Colonization Essay

Reflective Essay

This year in English has really helped me to grow in the areas of reading, writing, thinking, and speaking.  I will be talking about reading, writing, and speaking.  My skills have improved on major scales, and I’ve enjoyed this class more than I thought I would.  Many pieces helped me to grow in these areas, but in this essay, I’m going to talk about specific projects that helped me grow in these four areas. Continue reading Reflective Essay

Informative Speech Outline

Hi, I’m Paige Trutna, and I’m going to be talking about photography. To start today, I have a question for you. Have you ever been looking through your old pictures or your camera roll and all of a sudden, you come across one specific picture that brings back hundreds of memories? That’s what photography can do. You may be thinking “why am I learning about this? What if I don’t want to be a photographer?” (gesture) and maybe, you don’t want to get seriously into photography, but everyone takes pictures, even on their phones. So I can guarantee, even if not all of my speech applies to you, at least some of it will. I can teach you about the many aspects of photography that you can use in your everyday life, even if you’re not a serious photographer. Continue reading Informative Speech Outline

Adversity Reflection

Throughout this adversity unit, I’ve learned a lot about the struggles that other people can go through that I might not know about.  Especially with Eleanor and Park, I learned that many things can be happening in other’s lives.  We must pay attention to other people to possibly know what they are going through, then we need to help them get through their struggles.  We should show the love of God through our actions towards others.  Galatians 6:2 states “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  Adversity can also be very hard to escape for some people.  They may experience it at home as well as at school, so we need to be there for them if that could possibly be the case, even if other people don’t like us for it.  We also need to remember to tell others about adversity we are facing ourselves.  We can’t be isolated from society, like Eleanor was.  She didn’t really tell anyone about her struggles, which resulted in them only getting worse.  If she would’ve told people earlier, possibly she could’ve faced Richie and her mother with the help of people like Park, Beebi, and Denice.  We also need to realize that while adversity can be big or small, it effects everyone.  While I am not going through any super major adversities in my life, there are still struggles that I have to face every day.  Others, however, may face larger adversities, such as Eleanor in the book.  However, these adversities can effect everyone in virtually big ways.  It could be one major adversity or struggle that someone is going through in their life, or it could be many large struggles that add up to make someone snap.  We need to be there for people through these adversities.